Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where can I find a list of ingredients and more info about allergies?

Each tea’s product page contains a list of ingredients and calls out priority allergens — please read through everything carefully. If you have an allergy, we recommend you talk to your physician before drinking our teas.

Are your teas gluten-free?

Although most of our teas do not contain gluten, they are not produced in dedicated gluten-free facilities. Please check the ingredient and allergen list carefully.

Do your teas contain any sugar or calories?

Most of our teas contain virtually no sugar, carbohydrates or calories. Nutritional Fact Tables are available for all of our teas. Just look for the link under the ingredients on each tea’s product page.

How much caffeine is there in a cup of tea?

It’s hard to say for sure! There are a ton of factors that can change the amount of caffeine in your cup, such as water temperature and steeping time. Although it’s virtually impossible to measure the exact amount of caffeine in every cup, we have tested all of our teas to come up with a general rating system. Coffee contains about 142 mg of caffeine per cup.

What’s the difference between natural and artificial flavouring?

Different kinds of flavouring have more in common than you might think. In a lot of cases, natural and artificial flavourings have the exact same chemical composition — they’re just made in different ways. Artificial flavouring is every bit as safe to drink as natural flavouring. Natural flavouring comes from all natural sources, such as essential oils, essences or extracts. And when it complies with certain regulatory standards, we get to use the word organic. When a flavour doesn’t come entirely from natural sources, it’s considered artificial. Some artificial flavourings are almost 100% natural — others are entirely man-made. But if any component of a flavour is created artificially, it has to be labeled as artificial. Why use artificial flavouring? We always use the most delicious, best quality ingredients we can find, and sometimes an all-natural option simply isn’t available.

Are there teas I should avoid while pregnant or breastfeeding?

For personal health questions, your best bet is always to speak up to your healthcare provider. All of our teas have detailed ingredient lists, so you have the info you need to ask your doctor whether specific blends or ingredients are right for you.